Sunday 13 March 2016

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Friday 11 March 2016

Menu and Price List

Chicken Bread

Chinese Herbs
Lamb (Special Order)

Clay Pot Chicken

Special (Add-on): Salted fish, Sausage (lap chiong), Ginger and Eggs

Other dishes:
Vegetables (Yao Choi)
Medium (RM)
Medium (RM)
Watercress soup
(Xīyáng cài/
Sai Yeung Choi)
ABC Soup
Lotus root soup
Old cucumber soup
Herbs Soup
(Chinese Herbs)

Pictures and Videos

We would like to share you all the pictures and videos we took. Hope you guys enjoy.

Kam Ling's Restaurant

Lam Kee's Clay Pot Chicken

Kam Ling's Chicken Bun

Lam Kee's Clay Pot Chicken

Value Proposition

We are here to share some of our thoughts and stories regarding what is so special and unique about Kam Ling's Chicken Bun and Lam Kee's Clay Pot Chicken.

In Kampar, in order to satisfy neither local citizens nor students that come from all over Malaysia, there are a lot of foods offered here. However, our group has selected two of the best and famous foods which are:
→ Kam Ling Restaurant which they are famous with their Chicken Bread
→ Kedai Kopi Dan Makanan Lam Kee with its Claypot Chicken Rice 

【Kam Ling's Chicken Bun】

First, we will talk about the Chicken bread. What makes it so unique? It is big bread with curry chicken inside. They baked the Chicken Bread into perfections with some butter spread as finishing on it. It is already a satisfaction with the fragrance of the bread itself and yet the curry chicken fragrance bring the satisfaction to another level and after the first try on this Chicken Bread, most of the peoples cannot resist its temptation and would go back for it again.

Besides focusing in producing such as fascinating Chicken Bread, Kam Ling Restaurant also understand consumer behavior very well as they offer 3 different flavor of Chicken Bread such as the curry chicken, Chinese herbs and also Lamb in order to satisfy different needs from different races, age level and also gender. Other than that, These Chicken Breads are also available in Big and small sizes so that they can fulfill different families that might come with a bigger or smaller size. Last but not least for this Chicken bread, it’s HOMEMADE! Nowadays, peoples in the society are more concern about quality of the foods as they has the purchasing power and if there was a choice can be made, they will pick homemade foods rather than factory made foods.

【Lam Kee's Clay Pot Chicken】

Next, It will be the Clay Pot Chicken Rice which is a dish that use clay pot to cook with the mixture of rice, chicken, salted fish, soy sauces, sesame oil, salt and other more ingredients. Can you imagine what kind of chemical reaction that could occur from this mixtures as every one of it has its own special flavor, fragrance(smells) and tastes? The freshness of the chicken, the fragrance of sesame oil and soy sauces, Chinese sausages and more and more has come out with a special taste combination that can fix any races, age range and also gender’s taste bud.

Besides, the way to eat claypot chicken rice is to stir it equally among the ingredients as every single rice would stain with the fragrance! The specialty of this dish is it was cooked with charcoal. This is because nowadays more and more claypot chicken rice seller tend to be faster in the cooking process, they choose to use gas to cook instead of charcoal. But, traditionally people believe that anything cook with charcoal compared to those been cooked by gas, the charcoal cooked dishes will have a kind of special taste which could not describe by words. Some said it smells better, some said it tastes better. However, smell better and taste better is what customer asking and demanding for! Thus, the owner of Lam Kee insists to use charcoal method until today although they can replace it by gas which may make the cooking process much easier. Lastly, also one of the specialty only that can be found on charcoal food, is the burnt taste and fragrance! This is one of the claypot chicken rice attractions as many peoples consume it just because of its special burnt taste.


Kampar is a town in the state of Perak, Malaysia. It was founded in 1887, the town lies within the Kinta Valley and located in the newly created Kampar District, an area rich with tin reserves. It was a tin mining town which boomed during the height of the tin mining industry. There were many tin mines on the outskirts of Kampar during the height of the mining boom. Most of them were established in the late 19th century, flourished in the 1900s, only to stagnate and decline after World War I, with the exception of an exhilarating boom in the 1920s. Most have closed down following the collapse of the industry, especially in the late 20th century.

Kam Ling’s Chicken Bun
Kam Ling restaurant is one of the oldest shop which located at old town Kampar. Kam Ling restaurant was long-established for more than 40 years. Kam Ling restaurant was only selling dim sum at the beginning while the famous curry chicken bread was founded 10 years later. They are well-known because of its special recipe and delicious unique taste, the curry chicken bread had become the signature or iconic food of Kam Ling restaurant as well as in Kampar.
The taste and recipe of the curry chicken bread in Kam Ling restaurant still remain authentic (Same taste, same recipe), just as delicious as olden days. According to the boss of Kam Ling restaurant, he said that they try to keep all the recipe and ingredients of the food same with last time in order to keep the local flavor and local style in customers mind. Authentic is what people looking for.

Lam Kee’s Claypot Chicken Rice
Since Kampar’s in the news recently for being “crowned” with the district accolades, and highly probable to be in the limelight for months and years to come, the clay pot chicken rice is one of the most recognizable food in Kampar.
Lam Kee restaurant is operated for more than 30 years since 1986. With a history spanning over 30 years, Lam Kee has been dishing out thousands, or probably millions of those delectable clay pots of goodness. Sister wan is the business owner of Lam Kee now. The business was started by her father’s brother. Lam Kee’s business was passed on to Sister Wan’s father and now Sister Wan is the current owner or person-in-charge of the business.
Sister Wan said, one of the “secret” recipe of their clay pot chicken rice they way of cooking and preparing the chicken rice. The chicken rice is cooked by using clay pot with charcoal but not gas. This is why they are famous and become the iconic food in Kampar for years.

Group Evaluation

Our group has decided to evaluate both of these businesses separately. 
The evaluation and discussion are as follows.

 a. Your group opinion and why you selected these two places
Why we choose Chicken Bun and Clay Pot Chicken as famous and iconic food in Kampar?
Our group chose Kam Ling Restaurant as our topic because of the curry chicken bun that they sell. Curry chicken bun was one of the traditional and iconic food that only available in Kampar. Since we are students from UTAR, Kampar, we wish to introduce some nice local food that we usually will eat. Besides, air-conditioned restaurant with the grand design make customers feel like having meal in a castle. We not only want to promote the curry chicken bun for Kam Ling Restaurant, we also wish to promote the others food that serve in the restaurant.
The second restaurant that we chose is Lam Kee, Kampar. The reason why we select it is because people nowadays only know which cafe shop is nicer. They did not put more attention on which Chinese Restaurant is better. We wish to share more about the local food like clay pot rice so that the citizens at Kampar able to give them support and let the business to expand. We also wish that our Chinese tradition food able to be taste by the next generation.

For further information, please refer to value proposition’s tab.

b. Its classification of e-commerce by the nature of the transactions or interactions (Business Channel)
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
The restaurants that we chose were Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee claypot chicken rice. Business-to-consumer (B2C) model is involve in these 2 restaurants.
They are selling their food directly to their customers. They do provide a comfortable environment for their customers to dine in or efficient speed in preparing the food for take-away.

c. Its business models

Offline Business Model:
Brick and Mortar (Kam Ling and Lam Kee)
This is the traditional approach to starts a business by opening up a physical location where customers come and purchase your product or service.

Kam Ling Restaurant
Kam Ling Restaurant is doing their business offline by opening up 2 restaurant. 1 old and 1 new next door. Kam Ling Restaurant does not expand their business in opening branches around Malaysia. They have decided to just focus on their business and improve their quality of food to become even more famous in promoting their iconic food, The Chicken Bun.

Lam Kee’s Coffee Shop
Lam Kee coffee shop is also doing offline business only. They do not open any branches because they are short of employees and they do not plan to expand their business because by simple reason; they are doing family business and wish to do their business locally. This is also why makes them so famous in Kampar, if you want to have a nice Clay Pot Chicken Rice, you have to drive over to Kampar just to have delicious Clay Pot Chicken Rice prepared by Lam Kee.

Customer Segmentation:
Kam Ling Restaurant
Local Citizen
Non-halal food (not for Muslims)
Tourists (Foreign and Local)
All races except Muslims from all over the world

Kam Ling Restaurant actually do not have any specific customer segmentation. As long as you are non-Muslims (non-halal food), you are welcome to have a try.

Lam Kee’s Coffee Shop
Local Citizen
Families, individuals from any races but mostly are Chinese and Indian customers
Tourists (Foreign and Local)
Everyone from all over the world is welcome

Lam Kee also do not have any specific customer segmentation. As long as you are interested in having the best-in-town clay pot chicken rice, you are welcome. There are many local Kamparian love and prefer to have their dinner in Lam Kee rather than other similar clay pot chicken rice shop.

Menu and Price List:

We have provided the menu and price list for Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee Coffee Shop. Please refer here.

d. Its basic approach used in marketing and advertising
Based on Kam Ling Restaurant and Kedai Kopi dan Makanan Lam Kee that we interviewed, we found out that two of the restaurants were not using the social media to advertise their food. The first approach that used by these two restaurants is relationship marketing. It is the most common approach that we can see from the business nowadays. They are more concern in building the relationship with their customers. They always serve the customers with polite way and they will be introducing what kind of dishes are more suitable to the customers. They serve the best to customers. Besides, they able to understand what are the taste of customers. For example, workers at Kedai Kopi dan Makanan Lam Kee they know what are the materials that customers usually will add on to the clay pot rice, so they will only add specific material like sausage or salted fish into the dishes. Workers able to order or make decision on behalf of the customers after they observed few times of customers’ ordering. This make the customers feel warm because workers able to recognized them and understand what actually they prefer. If for Kam Ling Restaurant, they are not able to make decision for customers because they are having many types of dishes. They only can try their best to intro those famous dishes to the customers like Curry Chicken Bun. Through all these ways, the restaurants able to maintain their customers and increase the loyalty.    

Second approach that used by Kam Ling Restaurant and Kedai Kopi dan Makanan Lam Kee is word-of-mouth marketing or simply viral marketing. This type of approach is passing the information to the friends and family or someone they met by oral communication. After the customers tried the food at restaurants, they will usually comment whether nice or not. Most of the consumers will be very excited to share with others about their feedback after experienced a new restaurant. They will share everything about the restaurant include how was the environment, food and services. We had interviewed some customers, they are kind of loyal customers. They will share the information about Kam Ling Restaurant to the people around them by telling their friends and family the Curry Chicken Bun is nice. Besides, the atmosphere is grand and the services are good. This may bring a good image to the restaurant and will be attract more customers to dine in. While for the Kedai Kopi dan Makanan Lam Kee, customers would strongly recommend it because clay pot rice can let people think of old times because they are using the most traditional way to prepare the food which is using charcoal.  

Article or newspaper marketing is one of the approaches for Kam Ling Restaurant and also Lam Kee. They will write some short articles about themselves and what are the special of the food that they provided. Those reader will be noticed about the news and may go and search for it. Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee had attracted a lot of customers which is from different state. There are some tourist purposely visit to Kampar just to try the Curry Chicken Bun and Clay Pot Rice. They will usually advertise the food at Chinese Newspaper or Tamil Newspaper. This is because Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee only targeted for Chinese and Indian customers. They are provided Non-Halal food so it is not suitable for Muslims. Article marketing can be a powerful tools to advertise for the business.    

Another approach that make Kam Ling and Lam Kee famous in Kampar is because they are using sponsorship approach. They're pretty smart no doubt. Why? This approach is the easiest way and also affordable for the business like Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee. Sponsorship is a kind of financial support to an activity. There are many students from UTAR or TARC will usually ask for sponsor from these two restaurant to sponsor and support their events. The amount that normally students ask for will not be high or large amount. With the sponsorship that given by Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee, students will help them to promote through flyers, event invitation cards, banner, online and many others way under their event. This approach is very beneficial to them because it may increase the popularity of their food at the same time they have a better image in the society.

e. Recommendations to improve businesses through e-commerce 
Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee, Kampar can expand their business through online. They are now doing offline business and the customers are mostly local people. By promoting the business through online, this able to reach more people from Kampar and also people throughout the Malaysia. Nowadays people wish to search info through online rather than reading newspaper. So, newspaper marketing is not that effective now. Newspaper is only able to reach those middle-aged and above readers but not the young generation. They can create page on Facebook, Wechat, Instagram and others mobile apps to let people easily explore their restaurants and the specialty of food. They can also find some local blogger to promote their food because this is one of the economic and efficient way.

Besides, Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee, Kampar are recommended to have both online and offline ordering and provide efficient delivery service. They should create a website to promote their business and also online advertise their products. In addition, with the website provided, customers are no longer having problems in ordering the food, they could just sitting at home and by simply go online and make order reservation.

Since they are near to the UTAR and TARUC, there will be high demand from students. There are more than 10,000 of students and citizens in Kampar. So, if they are providing the delivery service sure will attract more customers and gain more profit. This is because some of the students at Kampar do not have transport and not able to go Old Town. If there are delivery system provided, sure their business will getting better. For tourist, they may go online to order the iconic food and the food will be delivered as soon as possible.  

Website is what today's business tool if you want to expand your business and increase your marketability. Online advertisement plays a major role nowadays as there are increasing number of online consumers in Malaysia. Thus, we suggest Kam Ling Restaurant and Lam Kee Coffee Shop to go online by creating attractive website and advertise their food online. This is one of the cheapest way in doing business as compared to other media advertising.

Group Members' Introduction

Hello, we are from University Tunku Abdul Rahman's undergraduates, we are here to provide relevant and useful information to Malaysian online consumers including foreign tourists of two (2) interesting, local and iconic food in Kampar. 

We are from E-Commerce (January 2016) Tutorial Group 18. We are group 1.

I (Lim Chung Jian) as a group leader would like to send a thank you note to all the group members for their dedication and determination in completing this assignment. In addition, we would like to express our deep gratitude to our beloved tutor, Mr.Yew King Tak for his generous support and selfless sharing.

Without further ado, I would like to introduce the group members.

From left to right.
Ooi Shi Teng, Chin Mei Yee, Lim Chung Jian, Ng Yang Wei & Boon Thing Thing.